happy new year // hello 2024

Happy New Year to you all! I hope you had an enjoyable festive break + are now looking forward to a fresh, new chapter ahead. I know I am! I’ve made a new ‘to do’ list, with all the designs + things I’d like to make this year. Along with a few resolutions too. I don’t normally do the resolutions bit but I’m kick starting this new year with as many positive steps I can think of, as possible. The main one for me is breaking away from social media. I’ve noticed in recent months that not only is it a huge pressure + distraction for me, but a negative part of my day to day life. So, instead of sharing my photographs + work on Instagram, I’m choosing to get back to sharing new ideas here; on my journal. A lot like how I used to, keeping a blog back when I first started making + selling online. I once really enjoyed this way of sharing + finding other makers - with less bombardment! Then the other platforms arrived + whisked many of us away… I have no idea how to turn comments on here but hopefully I can get in touch with you somehow via here soon…

With the new year arriving, I’ve plonked lots + lots of my one-of-a-kind designs over on my ‘sale’ section of my webshop. There are many unique, plant-dyed + hand-printed cotton cushions, lampshades + more! All at discounted prices. There is also a discount code on the banner of my webshop to use throughout January, so you can treat yourself to all ‘made to order’ designs too. If you are looking for gift ideas hopefully there is something there you like. Free p+p on all items too.

If I can help with custom orders, feel free to contact me.

Hannah x


woodland wander //


country living // magazine june