photoshoot // andrea gilpin photography

I had the pleasure of welcoming Andrea Gilpin Photography to my little shedspace last Summer to take some photographs of me at work; block-printing + plant-dyeing away. It was a funny old time for everyone, what with lockdown. We were juggling home-schooling + working, while navigating through the stay at home months, trying as best we could to find some sort of routine + normality to our days. But then the Summer holidays came + restrictions started to ease along with the pressures of the past few months. We managed to escape the house and spend time at my workshop. Our days were now spent up at our field for both work + play, it became quite a sanctuary for me + my family.

Andrea lives locally, so it was really lovely to be able to meet up in person instead of virtually, even if it was a socially distanced visit. To be able to be outside, chatting away over tea + cake was a real treat + a great tonic too, to be honest.

We spent a wonderful sunny afternoon with a fun photo shoot. I’m not really confident with this sort of thing at all but thankfully Andrea made me feel very relaxed + I really enjoyed the various steps of the shoot, guided by Andrea. With the photo plan to hand, Andrea worked her magic. I think you’ll agree, Andrea takes such beautiful images, highlighting colours + points of interest with an artistic eye. It was a joy to see the album Andrea had taken on the day. Seeing my work + processes in a whole different light, from someone else’s prospective was exciting to me. I’m really lucky to have so many wonderful images of my work to use for my social media and now my website - hence this new blog post. Thank you so much Andrea!

You can click on the link below to see more of Andrea’s work.

Andrea Gilpin Photography

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collecting hawthorn leaves for the dye-pot.

Summer 2020


a weekend wander // pedwardine wood